Tuesday, April 7, 2015

봉추 (bong chu)

multiple locations

what was consumed: 찜닭!

one of my most favorite things, and a must visit when guests come to seoul, is to eat jjimm-dohk. for me, part of it is because i haven't been able to find this dish in the u.s. admittedly, i haven't looked too hard and it might be available now. let's hope so! because it is so so so delicious.

the first place i tried jjim-dohk was at bohng-choo. jjim-dohk is a stewed (braised? steamed? "jjim" means steamed, but who knows what technique is used here) chicken, seasoned primarily with soy sauce. bohng-choo's default is to prepare the dish spicy, though you can request a less-spicy option (i don't know why you would! i love it spicy). the boneless chicken version is preferred, though you'll pay a few extra won for the luxury (totally worth it, imo). the chicken is prepared along with some large veggie slices, usually potato, carrot, onion, and cucumber. yes, the cucumber seems weird to me and i keep thinking it's squash (which i prefer), but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the cucumber all the same.

bohng-choo serves the dish on large platters, to be consumed family style (or "the usual" in the korean context), with the chicken and veggies on a bed of flat glass noodles. by request, they serve rice which is delicious especially when mixed with the chicken sauce. when i order rice, i rarely finish an entire bowl (there are so many noodles to enjoy!) that i will opt to share. 

wanna go? wanna go ... !!! now please. NOW!!

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