Sunday, August 10, 2014


grand avenue, the avenues

what was consumed: molten chocolate cake! and other delicious desserts, coffee, etc.

i'm not a big dessert person, but if there is chocolateness, i will most definitely make sure i get at least one for me.

the first time i had chocolateness was when i attended diwaniya samiya, sponsored by training gate international. turns out, chocolateness does a lot of work with local organizations, especially ones like training gate (TGI works with and advocates for people with disabilities). 

chocolateness is individual servings of chocolate molten cake, served in cups and served warm. even if delivered, the cups stay warm for a while (or heat them up!) as they are delicious-er warm. they're also pretty darn good after they cool. they also have a number of different flavors (e.g. nutella), but i like the classic chocolate. delicious cake on top, gooey (and warm!) chocolate in the middle. i want one NOW!

chocolateness initially had a storefront in kuwait city and did most of their business via delivery. they then opened a cafe in the grand avenues of the avenues mall. the cafe serves the delicious molten cake in addition to a series of sandwiches and beverages. but seriously, go for the cake.


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